Moon Girl Astrology

Embody The Cosmos

It’s time to elevate your yoga practice. Align your body, mind and spirit higher. Expand your awareness through this embodied exploration of the zodiac.

Zodiac Yoga Series - 12 classes.


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 A Look Inside The Series.

  • You'll receive lifetime access to all 12, 25-minute zodiac yoga classes.

  • access to 15-minute talks with a meditation for each sign.

  • a user friendly sacred container hosted on my website.

  • High quality professional video and audio.

  • a PDF to download upon purchase, and an email, with your login info and secret password. 

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I Created this Experience for …

  • Cosmic beauties on a mission to make life magical. 

  • Priestesses ready to activate their planetary powers. 

  • Curious yogis desiring a little bit more depth to their yoga practice. 

  • Intuitives feeling like synchronizing with the lunar landscape. 

  • Sacred Rebels looking to shake things up.

    Witches wanting to uplevel their craft.

  • Alchemists on their healing journey. 


 Student Magic

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“I wanted to express my gratitude for your platform.

Pre-pandemic, I had a very regular and strong yoga and meditation practice. For the past several months I have been finding it harder and harder to find that rhythm and daily practice on my own. I felt motivated, but a little lost and could not find the right direction. So, I just walked. That’s really all I could do. Almost like a moving meditation. But, I missed yoga and the asanas and the BREATH…. It’s everything.

I have been following you for sometime on IG and always loved your posts and stories. When you offered the October astrology series, I was intrigued. I signed up and am happy to report that I am on a 12 day streak!!!

The fact that your classes are 25 minutes long and full of knowledge and purpose, make them very enjoyable. I pick something new up each class. Your delivery is so sweet and fun and I always feel so grateful. After your class, I am able to extend my mindfulness and meditation practice and take that harmony into my day. In addition, the format to your series with the interactive calendar and beautiful artwork, is so satisfying and easy to navigate.

Thank you again for all that you are giving and know that you are appreciated. I look forward to today and this new journey that I am on with your guidance.”

With Gratitude,

~ Tanya

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Embrace Your Inner Mystic.

Let the stars be your guide.

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Aries Yoga Flow

Fire Up your willpower.

empower your identity. 

Activate your core strength. 

Cultivate a healthy sense of self.

Awaken your inner fire to blast through obstacles. 


Taurus Flow

Be nourished in this grounding flow. 

Stabilize your practice to create consistency. 

Awaken your sensuality to savor the moment.


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Gemini Flow

calm your mind with a meditative flow. 

Be dynamic as you embrace polarity.

get curious about your experience. 

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Cancerian Flow

Activate your intuition.

Create emotional safety.

Balance your nervous system. 

Honor your emotional vulnerability.

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 Leo Flow

Create optimism with a playful approach.


Cultivate willpower by activating your core. 

Roar with your lions breath to release tension. 



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Virgo Flow

Develop a daily practice. 

Take a pragmatic approach. 

Support your digestive system. 



Libra Flow

Create balance in your body, mind and spirit. 

Cultivate reciprocity in your relationships.

Experience beauty in your body. 



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Scorpio Flow

Embrace transformation. 

Intensify your experience through the breath. 

Concentrate deeply to empower your meditation.  

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Sagittarius Flow

Awaken your enthusiasm, 

Expand your consciousness. 

Activate your sense of adventure. 


Capricorn Flow

Get grounded and build structure. 

Achieve success in your practice. 

Reap the rewards of your hard work. 


Aquarius Flow

Awaken your sacred rebel. 

Experiment with yogic technology. 

Time travel and connect to your future self. 



Pisces Yin Yoga

Rejuvenate and restore with yin yoga. 

Increase flexiblity and mobility. 

Honor your dreams as messengers.

Practice good sleep hygiene.

Connect to your intuition. 

Cultivate lucidity. 


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Enter Sacred Space

Are you ready to synchronize with the stars?

Zodiac Yoga Series - 12 classes.
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