Mars Enters Aquarius - Fight for Freedom

Harness your desire for freedom. Courageously act for the greater good. Mars enters Aquarius 03/30, firing up your intellectual passion for personal freedom, social justice and reform.

You’re lit up about social responsibility, but also feeling agro vibes. Lean into pent up rage. The only way out is through.

Breath into increased frustrations with social restrictions. Feel your feelings, rather than store them in your internal organs.

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Carrie Stiles
New Moon in Aries - Ego Check

Kindle a slow burning fire to light your way under this new moon in Aries. Cultivate your will power from the core center over this next lunation. Aries knows you deserve to manifest your desires. Step forward as a leader to courageously persevere during this unsettling time. Believe in YOU. Ignite your most empowered identity. Become the version of you who can burn through all obstacles. Aries warrior energy is up for a challenge no matter which way you cut it. Aries ruler Mars is joining up with power hungry Pluto in ambitious Capricorn. Sun and Moon together at 4 degrees of Aries is conjunct wounded healer Chiron in Aries.

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Carrie Stiles
Holy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse!

The full moon lunar eclipse at 20 degrees of Cancer is at home this Friday June 10th. A megaphone blares at 22 degrees of Capricorn with the Saturn and Pluto conjunction perfecting on Sunday January 12th. This is the emotional rebirth of duty with a potent dose of compassion, and the blessings of increased mental clarity, plus a splash of disruption.

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Carrie Stiles
Winter Solstice & Capricorn Season !

The goddess takes a deep breath this weekend. Venus completes her challenging ascent upward on December 20th, just in time for the holidays. She has been under pressure working through the mountain goat's terrain in Capricorn since Nov 25th.

Venus in Capricorn carefully considers the consequences of love before bringing it's most dependable and loyal virtues to romance. Security is the vibe.

Let's reflect on last week to polish our diamond. Are you ready to alchemize the lessons learned?

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Carrie Stiles
Venus in Aquarius, a breath of fresh air.

The goddess takes a deep breath this weekend. Venus completes her challenging ascent upward on December 20th, just in time for the holidays. She has been under pressure working through the mountain goat's terrain in Capricorn since Nov 25th.

Venus in Capricorn carefully considers the consequences of love before bringing it's most dependable and loyal virtues to romance. Security is the vibe.

Let's reflect on last week to polish our diamond. Are you ready to alchemize the lessons learned?

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Carrie Stiles
Jupiter in Capricorn, Expand and Contract.

Jupiter makes an energetic splash when it ingresses or moves into Capricorn Dec 2nd for a whole year.

Take a moment to become aware.

Jupiter rules Sag, naturally expressing itself in this sign. Astrologers say Jupiter has it's dignity here. Reflecting back on this past year, how have you expanded? What blessings have come your way during this transit?

Where was Jupiter transiting your chart this year? For me, it was the 11th house of group activities and friendship. I left my old, international friend groups and relocated home to cultivate greater prosperity and purpose.

How about you?

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Carrie Stiles
Sagittarius Season, Are you feeling lucky?

Sagittarius arouses us to aim true. The sun switched it up today, ingressing into the mutable, masculine fire of Sag. It’s time to party !

A generous energy is available to you now so spend it wisely.

Possibility is the name of the game. The stakes are high and the rewards many. Are you in it to win ?

Lady Luck is here to bless your quest for truth! You may want to roll the dice and take a chance this season.

You have a great chance to strike gold! Fortune favors the bold.

What daring actions can you take to direct your purpose towards the highest truth?

What once seemed impossible, is now within view along an expanded horizon.

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Carrie Stiles