Go All Grassroots this Gemini Season, May 20th - June 20th.

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Twinning! Gemini Season is here to brighten up your day-to-day, 5/20-6/20. Go grassroots. Invest in your local community. Get your neighbors digits. Remember your local farmers name. Share your skills and knowledge at your local library.

This is the season to practice active and empathic listening. Invest your intellect in building meaningful relationships with those in your immediate environment. If you haven't reached out to your neighbors be sure to do so during this transit.

So often we ignore the people around us, choosing instead to get lost in our gadgets. We're caught up in false relationships with imaginary friends on Instagram just to stimulate our minds. We ignore our Barista, never knowing their name let alone their hopes and dreams.

What if we actually took the time to engage with the essential workers in an authentic way? This is the season to show your appreciation for your logistical team that get you from A-B. What if we learned to actually appreciate the real life humans we interface with IRL? What if we stopped replacing the real life people in our actual world for imaginary friends on the internet?

Mutable Gemini energy is abounds.

The Sun joins Venus RX, Messenger Mercury and the North Node in the sign of the twins to stimulate local logistics. We are moving away from the global supply chain and discovering the resources in our own backyard.

PLANT YOUR GARDEN. Then share your harvest with your neighbors. Join the CSA, go to the farmers markets and actually connect with people when the quarantine lifts. Build real relationships with your community.

Gemini season is activating our destiny point. Your local, day-to-day connections will be increasingly more important over the next two years. You will be rewarded for building relationships with your neighbors as the North Node shifts our collective destiny in Gemini.

This is your invitation for Gemini Season. For the love of god, get to know your neighbors!!!

Carrie Stiles